by itconnections | Jun 28, 2022 | surveys
Many healthcare facilities are still trying to find the best way possible to manage their patients during the COVID-19 outbreak. Additionally, this pandemic has allowed many facilities the opportunity to change their systems to be better prepared for the future. Below are ideas for what SMS messages can do to improve your communication with patients.
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by itconnections | Jun 21, 2022 | surveys
A problem that your healthcare facility most likely faces is a patient missed appointment. There are many costs associated with this issue, both monetary and not. Let’s look at how missed appointments can affect your facility.
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by itconnections | Jun 14, 2022 | surveys
Caring for patients doesn’t end after they are discharged. In fact, being able to identify those patients in need of follow up support has many benefits for both the patient and your healthcare facility. Here are some reasons why this is essential and how you can support this transition seamlessly.
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by itconnections | Apr 9, 2022 | surveys
In a wide variety of industries, using cloud-based technologies has become commonplace. And while many physicians and medical professionals may be reluctant to adopt new software or business practices like cloud-based patient portals due in no small part to security concerns, the benefits invariably outweigh the risks. Cloud-based patient engagement platforms offer a number of key services to patients and medical professionals alike: patient portals for secure viewing and editing of medical data, e-prescribing, lab results management, post-visit surveys and appointment scheduling.
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